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The US is locked in this duel! Biden and Trump are facing each other.

The US is locked in this duel! Biden and Trump are facing each other.

27.06.2024 20:05

Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump, who will compete to become president in the election to be held on November 5th in the USA, will face each other for the first time tomorrow evening in the first open session. In the debate, which will be held without an audience for the first time since 1960, the candidates will debate while standing at the podium.

In order to become the president in the election on November 5th in the USA, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump will share their cards in the first open session to be held tomorrow evening.


The election debate, which will take place in CNN's studio in Atlanta, will bring the two rivals face to face. The open session, moderated by CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will start at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (04:00 AM GMT) and last for 90 minutes.

During the presidential debate, which will be held without an audience for the first time since 1960 in order to "maximize the time allocated for the candidates to debate", only the speaker's microphone will be kept open to prevent Trump from interrupting, upon Biden's request.


As a format, the candidates will debate standing at the podium. The candidates will not be allowed to take pre-written notes, only a pen, a stack of paper, and a bottle of water will be provided for them to take notes during the debate.

During the session, it is expected that Biden and Trump will discuss not only domestic issues such as the economy and immigration but also foreign policy issues such as Ukraine and Gaza, as well as debates about their ages and health conditions, and legal issues concerning themselves or their family members, including the hiding of classified documents.

81-year-old Biden is preparing for the debate tomorrow evening with his advisors at "Camp David," the traditional retreat for presidents located in the mountainous region of Maryland, where he has been since June 19th, while former President 78-year-old Trump spent the week participating in election campaigns.

While it is reported that Trump has adopted a less concerned approach to prepare for the debate, the former President made a sarcastic criticism about Biden's preparation for the election debate in his campaign rally in Philadelphia on June 22nd, saying, "Biden must be sleeping instead of studying for the debate."


Meanwhile, in two separate surveys conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Public Relations Research Center and PBS News, it was stated that 6 out of 10 American adults will watch the election debate live tomorrow evening.

61% of the participants stated that they will watch the debate live with "extreme" interest, 24% stated that they will follow it from the news and social media later, and 14% said that they are not interested in the debate.

Trump and Biden will hold their second and final debate before the November elections on September 10th, moderated by ABC hosts David Muir and Linsey Davis. The venue for this debate has not been announced yet.

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which organized previous election debates, had planned two sessions between Biden and Trump on September 16th and October 9th, but both Biden and Trump accepted CNN and ABC's proposals because they did not like the debate format and program of the CPD.

Since CNN and ABC required at least 15% support from voters in at least 4 different national polls for participation in the election debate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who entered the November elections as an independent candidate, will not be included in the debate. Biden and Trump last debated face to face in a live broadcast for the 2020 Presidential Election on October 22nd, 2020.

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