The quiz show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," hosted by Oktay Kaynarca, will be presented to viewers with a special New Year's episode. In this special episode featuring famous personalities, actor Doğu Demirkol will also participate. THE JOKERS WERE HIGHLY DISCUSSEDJust like the contestants participating in "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," famous names also took their seats with their jokers. Demirkol's chosen jokers became a hot topic on social media. The famous personality used Turkey's prominent directors Zeki Demirkubuz and Nuri Bilge Ceylan as phone jokers. Comments like "These jokers won't let you lose" were made during those moments. Moreover, names such as Ceza, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, Burak Deniz, Ziynet Sali, and Betül Demir will also be featured in the program.