The beloved program O Ses Türkiye, which features various famous names competing each year, was closely followed today with its New Year special episode. One of the names that took the stage in the New Year's special program was Mina Demirtaş, who plays the character Zeynep in the series Kızıl Goncalar. HER PERFORMANCE RECEIVED FULL MARKSDemirtaş, who portrays a young girl wearing a headscarf in the series, quickly became a trending topic on social media. The images shared by numerous users received full marks from the viewers. WHO IS MINA DEMİRTAŞ?Mina Demirtaş was born in 2005 in Istanbul. As of 2024, Demirtaş is 19 years old and continued her education in Istanbul. She stepped into her acting career in 2021 with the character Suad Ersoy in the series "Akif," and drew attention by playing the character Reyhan in the 2022 film "Kabahat." In 2023, she appeared before the audience in the film "Beraber" in the role of Azra. Currently, Mina Demirtaş is making a name for herself with the character Zeynep Tezel in the series "Kızıl Goncalar," which is broadcast on NOW TV.