Brain, Nerve, and Spinal Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Orhan Şen was a guest of Melis Yaşar in the Haberler.com studio. In the program, Prof. Dr. Şen made important statements, addressing many topics from the symptoms of cervical hernia to vitamin deficiencies, and the increase in inactivity and obesity in society.
"WE SEE LOSS OF STRENGTH IN THE ARMS WITH CERVICAL HERNIA"Addressing the symptoms of cervical hernia, Prof. Dr. Orhan Şen stated, "In cervical hernia, there is loss of strength in the arms along with pain. This condition arises from the compression of the nerves exiting the spinal cord and can lead to serious problems if left untreated." "COMMUNICATION IS VERY IMPORTANT IN MEDICINE"Prof. Şen emphasized that communication skills are critical in the medical profession, stating, "People who experience communication breakdowns should not choose the medical profession." "VITAMINS THAT ARE LACKING IN THE BODY ARE NOT REPLACED AFTER 40"Highlighting the importance of nutrition, Şen said, "Vitamins that are lacking in the body are not replaced after the age of 40. Therefore, a balanced diet and regular health check-ups are essential from a young age." "WE HAVE TURNED INTO AN INACTIVE AND OBESE SOCIETY"Pointing out the problems brought by modern life, Prof. Şen stated, "In the last 25 years, we have become a completely inactive society, and this has increased obesity rates. Obesity is not only a physical issue but also a fundamental cause of many chronic diseases," urging individuals to adopt a more active lifestyle.