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Ukrainian President Says Efforts To Reach Peace Should Last 'Months, Not Years'

16.06.2024 19:12

'We are at war, and we don't have time for prolonged work,' says Zelenskyy.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday said that efforts to reach peace should last "months, not years."

Zelenskyy's remarks came during a joint press briefing following the end of the summit along with leaders of Canada, Chile, Ghana and the EU.

"We are at war, and we don't have time for prolonged work," he warned, underlining that preparations for the peace should take "months, not years."

He noted that the path will be open for the second peace summit for "ending this war for a just and lasting peace" when every step is worked out.

Some countries, according to the president, have already voiced their interest in hosting the second summit.

"We started talks with them. I'm confident that the choice will have truly global significance and I'm grateful for everyone who helps," Zelenskyy said.

He also said that all participants of the two-day summit supported Ukraine's territorial integrity, adding: "There will be no lasting peace without territorial integrity."

He invited all countries that recognize the binding nature of the UN Charter to be onboard with the final declaration of the Burgenstock summit.

'No ultimatums are negotiations'

The Ukrainian head of state, later at a news conference he held alone, said Ukraine and its supporters must focus on what they should be doing for now.

"Russia and their leadership are not ready for a just peace, that is a fact," Zelenskyy said, and noted that while many countries aspire to see Russia in peace talks, most of them "do not want to shake hands with" Russia.

Zelenskyy blamed Moscow for blocking all initiatives before the "full-scale invasion," including the working group in the Minsk format, because it was "not beneficial for them (Russia) to end the war and the proof of that is the full-scale invasion."

The Ukrainian president also welcomed that 80 countries and four organizations signed the joint statement at the end of the summit in Switzerland.

The entire world has not understood that "Russia is the problem," but Ukraine's neighbors did, according to Zelenskyy.

He also voiced hope that other countries in Africa, and Asia would understand that Russia was responsible for the blockade of the Black Sea.

"Everybody recognizes that Russia blocked, and brought hunger, poverty, and problems to the territory of these countries," he said.

He also recalled that talks in the past failed because "no ultimatums are negotiations," and Russia gives ultimatums to make pauses, and prepare its military forces for a new step.

Vladimir Putin, who understands that he is isolated, "is only fighting for himself," and not for a "multipolar" world, Zelenskyy emphasized.

'Russia can be part of peace efforts when ready for UN Chapter-based peace'

President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said Russia can only be part of the peace efforts in Ukraine when it says "it is ready for peace based on the UN Charter."

She called on Moscow to "hear the message of the international community, respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, put an end to imperialist violence, and bring back the children."

The head of the commission criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin's peace proposal and said it was not a "peace negotiation."

Putin "is not serious about ending the war" and is insisting on "capitulation," Von der Leyen said.

"He's insisting on disarming Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. No country would ever accept these outrageous terms," she added.

Ursula von der Leyen also hailed the EU's efforts in supporting Ukraine, and said the "goal is a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace" which would "restore the primacy of international law and the UN Charter."

Ukraine will determine the conditions of peace, she underlined.

'Every initiative for peace is welcome'

This conference would not be forgotten, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said, but underscored that a will must be voiced both by Ukraine and relatively by Russia, and the "big players."

Remarks by Cassis came at a press conference after the end of the two-day summit with the Swiss president.

"We can undertake many mediation efforts, … but we cannot take geopolitical decisions by ourselves," he said and recalled that Zelenskyy said that he absolutely has the intention to organize a second summit.

"Basically, every peace process… every discussion about peace, about the willingness of having peace in this conflict is welcome," he answered a question about the potential Chinese or Chinese-Brasilian peace efforts.

"Every initiative for peace is welcome but one point is important: this initiative has to be based on international law and the UN Charter," President Viola Amherd added to that answer.

Additionally, she called the 84 states and organizations that endorsed the final communiqué a "good result." -

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