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ve o zamandan beri gönüllü olarak çalışmaktadır. Narin, çocukların eğitimine destek olmak için köy okullarında düzenlenen etkinliklere katılmaktadır. Ayrıca, dezavantajlı ailelere yardım etmek için gıda ve giysi dağıtımı gibi sosyal yardım projelerinde de yer almaktadır. Narin'in bu özverili çalışmaları, toplumda büyük bir etki yaratmış ve insanların takdirini kazanmıştır. O, Türkiye'deki gönüllü çalışmaların önemini vurgulayan bir örnek olmuştur.

ve o zamandan beri gönüllü olarak çalışmaktadır. Narin, çocukların eğitimine destek olmak için köy okullarında düzenlenen etkinliklere katılmaktadır. Ayrıca, dezavantajlı ailelere yardım etmek için gıda ve giysi dağıtımı gibi sosyal yardım projelerinde de yer almaktadır. Narin'in bu özverili çalışmaları, toplumda büyük bir etki yaratmış ve insanların takdirini kazanmıştır. O, Türkiye'deki gönüllü çalışmaların önemini vurgulayan bir örnek olmuştur.

08.09.2024 18:31

The lifeless body of Narin Güran, who has been missing for 19 days in Diyarbakır, was found, causing grief in their district, and it was revealed that the 8-year-old girl had appeared in the promotional film of the "My Hairdresser at School Project" by the district governorship about 4 months ago.

The lifeless body of Narin, who went missing 19 days ago in the Bağlar district of Diyarbakır, was found in a stream bed 2 kilometers away, causing Turkey to mourn, and the residents of the district who were hoping for the little girl's safe return also experienced great sadness.


A heartbreaking image emerged as Narin's lifeless body, who is said to belong to one of the influential families in the region, was sent to the forensic medicine institution for autopsy.

Narin, who caused Turkey to mourn, was involved in the governorate's project 4 months ago


It was revealed that 8-year-old Narin appeared in the promotional film of the "My Hairdresser at School Project" carried out by the Bağlar District Governorate for children living in rural neighborhoods in Diyarbakır.

Narin, who caused Turkey to mourn, was involved in the governorate's project 4 months ago


It was learned that the video, which was shot 4 months ago and showed the footage of the free hairdressing service provided at Tavşantepe Primary School, where Narin appeared with her blue shirt and happy attitude, was also shared on Bağlar District Governorate's social media account on April 29.

Narin, who caused Turkey to mourn, was involved in the governorate's project 4 months ago


Narin Güran, 21, went missing on August 21 after attending a Quran course in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district. When she did not return home after the course, her family searched for her on their own, and when they could not find her, Narin's father Arif Güran reported her missing on the same day around 8:00 pm. As a result, numerous search and rescue teams were dispatched to the area, and searches were conducted in houses in the neighborhood and vehicles entering the village.

While the search was ongoing, Narin Güran's brother E.G. (18) was detained due to bite marks on his arm. Since it could not be determined whether the bite marks belonged to Narin in the examination at the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institution, E.G. was released.

Then Narin's uncle, who is also the muhtar (village head) of the rural Tavşantepe neighborhood, Salim Güran, was detained. Salim Güran, whose DNA samples taken from his car matched the DNA samples on Narin's clothes, was arrested on charges of "intentional killing" and "deprivation of liberty".

The teams, who focused on previously searched areas again, conducted a search in the Eğertutmaz Stream, which is 2 kilometers away from the neighborhood, and found Narin's lifeless body on the 19th day. It was determined that Narin was killed and then thrown into the stream in a sack, and her body was covered with stones.

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