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Warning signs have been hung to prevent fishing in Izmir Bay.

Warning signs have been hung to prevent fishing in Izmir Bay.

27.08.2024 22:41

A new development occurred while the presence of dead fish and bad odor in certain parts of Izmir Bay continues to be a topic of local and national agenda. Warnings have been issued regarding the prohibition of fishing due to pollution in the bay.

Warnings have been issued about not fishing in the İzmir Bay due to pollution.

The presence of dead fish and bad odor in certain parts of the bay continues to be a topic of local and national agenda. The analysis results of the samples taken from the outlets of the 7 streams flowing into the bay and the treatment plants of Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone and Kemalpaşa Organized Industrial Zone are awaited by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change teams.

Warning for No Fishing in İzmir Bay

It was observed that a ship belonging to İZSU filtered the water it took from Alsancak Port and discharged it back into the sea. This method aims to increase the oxygen level in the water. 4 hydrosoft pumps placed on Bayraklı beach by the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department to increase the oxygen level in the sea were also removed from their location.

Warning for No Fishing in İzmir Bay


The Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry teams are warning the public not to fish in the bay where fish deaths are observed. Warning posters were also hung by the Muhtar of Turan Neighborhood in Bayraklı district, Nursel Ölmez. Muhtar Nursel Ölmez told AA correspondent that the smell in the bay, where fish deaths have been occurring since last week, has started to decrease partially. Ölmez stated that the District Agriculture Directorate teams informed her that fishing is prohibited and said, "Penalty will be applied if observed. I felt the need to write a warning message and hang it because there are many people who come here to fish. Those who are conscious do not come, but I don't know about the nights. We warned during the day."

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