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Why didn't he offer condolences to the family? Minister Yerlikaya's meaningful response.

Why didn't he offer condolences to the family? Minister Yerlikaya's meaningful response.

10.09.2024 12:30

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, who did not offer condolences to the family in his message following the discovery of Narin's lifeless body, responded to the question "Is there a suspect related to the family?" raised about the issue. Minister Yerlikaya said, "It is quite clear, so there is no need to say anything more. It is a situation that everyone reads, understands, and feels. Is there a need to explain it again?"

The Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, did not offer condolences to the family in his message following the death of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır. When asked if there was any suspicion regarding the family, Minister Yerlikaya responded, "It is quite clear, there is no need to say more. It is a situation that everyone understands and feels when they read it. Is there a need to explain it again?"


Minister Yerlikaya answered journalists' questions about the investigation into Narin Güran's death after the Presidential Cabinet Meeting. When asked if he made a presentation during the Cabinet Meeting or discussed this issue, Yerlikaya stated, "Currently, 4 prosecutors are conducting the investigation together with the police. We will see what will happen together."


Yerlikaya responded to the question of whether the number of detentions will increase by saying, "The process will continue based on the statements given to the prosecutors. The Minister of Justice will share the details. It is completely within his jurisdiction." When asked if there is a strong suspicion about the cause of the incident, Yerlikaya used the following statements; "I believe that this incident will be clarified very quickly. 85 million people are deeply saddened by this incident. Everyone wants this incident to be clarified as soon as possible and for justice to be served. Our President also stated that he will follow up on the person who killed our Narin girl being tried in the courts and receiving the punishment they deserve."

Yerlikaya was asked, "You did not offer condolences to the family in your post. Does that raise any suspicion?" In response, he said, "I shared with the public that the lifeless body of our Narin girl was found. I prayed for mercy from Allah. I wished for her to rest in heaven. I said, 'May our heads be safe.' It is quite clear, there is no need to say more. It is a situation that everyone understands and feels when they read it. Is there a need to explain it again?"


Minister Yerlikaya used the expression, "Hopefully, we will not be faced with a scene that will make us ashamed of our humanity again." He added, "The press has also undertaken a very important duty and fulfilled its duty. The final word will be spoken by the judges, the prosecutors. Since I took office, I have always said that we illuminate the crime that has been identified and deliver the guilty to justice. That is my duty. The duty of the Ministry of Interior is to prevent the crime, but if it cannot be prevented and a crime is committed, to catch the perpetrator and deliver them to justice. At this point, the issue is completely in the hands of the judiciary."

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