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A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses have been evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorate.

A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses have been evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorate.

27.06.2024 19:46

A partial collapse occurred in a 7-story building in Bahçelievler, Istanbul. Numerous teams were dispatched to the scene. AFAD teams were conducting listening operations at the site of the collapse, while surrounding houses were evacuated. The Istanbul Governorship announced that there were no reported deaths or injuries in the incident. Bahçelievler Mayor Hakan Bahadır stated, "We have determined that an additional 3 floors were added to the building in 1994, which was originally constructed in 1980."

A partial collapse occurred in a 7-story building located on Yadigar Street in Bahçelievler Zafer Mahallesi. Upon notification, fire brigade, police, AFAD and health teams were dispatched to the scene. The teams took security measures in the surrounding area and started working in the building. The work of the teams is ongoing.


Istanbul Governorship made a statement regarding the partially collapsed building in Bahçelievler. The statement said, "A partial collapse occurred in the 7-story building located on Yadigar Street in Bahçelievler District on Thursday, June 27, 2024, around 04:45. The building, which was determined to be built in 1980, collapsed partially.

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship

Many AFAD, fire brigade, 112 emergency and security teams were dispatched to the scene. In the examination conducted by the teams at the scene, it was determined that there were no casualties, injuries or people trapped under the debris.

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship


The buildings around the collapsed building were evacuated as a precaution, and necessary security measures were taken at the scene," the statement said.

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship


Bahçelievler Mayor Hakan Bahadır, who connected to the live broadcast, said, "There is a 4-story building built in 1980. 3 more floors were added in 1994. When there was a loud noise in the 7-story building at night, our neighbors went outside and the 3 floors collapsed. Currently, floors 4, 5, 6, and 7 are standing. In the search and listening operations, it was observed that there were no injured or dead. It is not an evacuated or collapsing building. It is a normal inhabited building. There are apparently 10 apartments in total."

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship


Ayhan Taşkın, who said that his own house was also damaged due to the collapse, said, "I live in the neighboring building. Our building also has significant damage. The bedroom is completely gone. We were sleeping at that moment. I heard a noise and woke up. I barely saved the children as the wall collapsed. We were very scared. I broke the door and got the children out of the bedroom," he said.

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship


Another citizen named Harun Kolal said, "We heard a noise. We thought it was an earthquake. We went to the windows. We saw that the building collapsed. There was a construction site right across from it. The cranes were working. We could feel the shaking even from the main street. These buildings are all old," he said.

A 4-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship


Zeynep Dernek, a resident of the neighborhood, stated that urban transformation work should be carried out and said, "All the houses in this neighborhood are old. There is a construction site here. Our houses shook. Even when a truck passes, our buildings shake," she said.

A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship
A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship
A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship
A 7-story building collapsed in Bahçelievler! Surrounding houses evacuated, statement from Istanbul Governorship

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