At Köfteci Yusuf, which has hundreds of branches, pork was found in the meatballs and döner sold. The scandal hit the agenda of Turkey like a bomb. Regarding the issue, there was a new statement from Yusuf Akkaş, the owner of Köfteci Yusuf. "IF I HAD POLITICAL CONNECTIONS, THEY COULDN'T TOUCH ME"Akkaş, who suggested that if they were a foreign company, they wouldn't be able to touch him so easily, said, "Even if I have political connections, I think they couldn't touch me this easily. Would having a mafia connection reflect positively on us? This company has come to places without getting involved here. How does Yusuf sell cheaply? Friends, we are not selling cheaply. Others are selling expensively. Is it logical to add something to a product that we will not gain any financial benefit from? There is no such thing, absolutely none," he said. HAS RECEIVED MANY PARTNERSHIP OFFERSYusuf Akkaş stated that they received partnership offers from many large companies but did not accept them, saying, "I did not go public because I believe this company will grow rapidly." DID HE FLEE AFTER THE SCANDAL?Responding to allegations that he fled abroad after the pork scandal, Akkaş said, "Is there a black mark on my face that I should run away somewhere?" HE HAD BLAMED THE MINISTRYThe famous meatball chain, which was included in the controversial list shared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and found to have pork in its products, denied the allegations and shifted the blame to the ministry. The brand stated that inspections were ongoing and they were trying to clarify the situation, claiming that many technical errors were made during the sampling process. INCLUDED IN THE LISTFollowing the company's accusations, the ministry included the firm in the "Foods That Will Endanger Health" list after a report confirming that pork was used in the samples taken from Köfteci Yusuf.