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After the attack targeting Nasrallah, a threatening statement from Iran: The rules of the game have changed.

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, a threatening statement from Iran: The rules of the game have changed.

28.09.2024 00:00

The Israeli Army carried out an airstrike on Hezbollah's headquarters. It was claimed that Nasrallah was killed in the attack. Following the strike, consecutive statements came from Iran.

Israel carried out a series of airstrikes in the Hureyk neighborhood of Dahiye, south of Beirut, where Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was located. Information from Lebanese security sources indicated that this was the largest attack to date. Claims of Nasrallah's death were reported in the media of the United States and Israel. Following the recent attack in Lebanon, statements from Iran came in succession.


In a statement regarding the attack from the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, it was said, "Israel's massacre has changed the rules of the game." The statement noted that Israel targeted civilian settlements based on false claims, and that tensions have dangerously escalated, emphasizing that Israel should be appropriately punished.

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, Iran made a threatening statement: The rules of the game have changed


Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasir Kanani, in a written statement regarding the Israeli attacks, stated that they strongly condemned the attack, noting that Israel carried it out with American bombs and that the U.S. is also complicit in Israel's crime. Kanani said, "Israel continues its massacres in Lebanon, which it committed in Gaza, and is committing war crimes in Lebanon. The Washington administration is also complicit in this attack carried out with American bombs," he stated. Kanani added, "The proposals from the U.S. and some Western countries regarding ceasefire negotiations are merely a deception aimed at buying time. The massacres of the Israeli regime in Gaza and Lebanon stem from the silence of the international community. As Iran, we stand with the people, state, and resistance of Lebanon."

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, Iran made a threatening statement: The rules of the game have changed


Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqir Qalibaf, in a statement following Israel's recent attacks targeting Hezbollah, said, "Hezbollah must know that we will be with them until the last moment on the battlefield."


Following Israel's attack on Hezbollah's headquarters, a series of rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel. The rockets were captured on camera from the city of Haifa, while some of the rockets were intercepted by Israel's air defense system, the 'Iron Dome.'

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, Iran made a threatening statement: The rules of the game have changed


Hasan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Lebanese Hezbollah, was born on August 31, 1960, in the capital Beirut. Nasrallah was born in the Burj Hammoud area in northeastern Beirut, where his father, a resident of the southern city of Tyre, came to find work. At the age of 15, when the civil war in Lebanon began in 1975, Nasrallah returned with his family to his hometown of Tyre and joined the Shiite Amal Movement there.

Nasrallah received religious education in the schools known as "hawza" in Shiite centers in Iraq and Iran, and later returned to Lebanon to study at the school founded by Abbas Musawi, the leader of the Amal Movement. After Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, he joined the Hezbollah organization. Following the assassination of Abbas Musawi by Israel in 1992, he was elected Secretary-General of Hezbollah on February 12, 1992. During the Israel-Lebanon War, on July 14, 2006, the office that Nasrallah had visited just hours earlier was destroyed by Israeli bombs. However, Nasrallah managed to survive.

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, Iran made a threatening statement: The rules of the game have changed

Nasrallah gained significant prestige for his role in Hezbollah's liberation of southern Lebanon from 22 years of Israeli occupation in 2000 and in the subsequent July 2006 war against Israel. He was seen as a victor of the 2006 Lebanon War in many Middle Eastern countries. Nasrallah also played a significant role in negotiating a prisoner exchange agreement for Lebanese and Arab prisoners and the bodies of resistance fighters held by Israel. His passionate speeches and strong personality contributed to his popularity in the Arab and Islamic world, and his speeches received wide resonance and interest.

However, after Hezbollah sided with Bashar al-Assad's regime in suppressing the Syrian revolution that erupted in 2011, Nasrallah largely lost this popularity. Hezbollah, along with other armed movements supported by Iran, contributed to the displacement of millions of Syrians by committing massacres in many towns and cities in Syria as part of the war initiated by the Assad regime against the revolutionaries. This led to serious criticisms directed at Hezbollah, its leadership, and especially Nasrallah.

After the attack targeting Nasrallah, Iran made a threatening statement: The rules of the game have changed

Following the comprehensive attack launched by Hamas's armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, against Israel on October 7, 2023, under the pretext of "responding to the continuous violations against Palestinians and sacred values, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque," Nasrallah's name came back into the spotlight. Nasrallah announced that a front had been opened against Israel in southern Lebanon to support the Palestinian resistance, stating in many of his speeches that this front would not calm down until the war in Gaza was over.

Nasrallah emphasized that this front opened is a support front for Palestine, implying that they do not want to engage in a total war with Israel.

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