A 31-year-old female assistant doctor was found dead on Friday morning at R G Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. The incident has sparked a political crisis in West Bengal. The doctor's family and the opposition party BJP claimed that the doctor was raped and murdered. The Kolkata Police Commissioner and his deputy inspected the crime scene. The police stated that the nail marks on the body indicated a struggle and that they questioned five people who were on duty on Thursday night. The Health Minister visited the hospital. Prime Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed condolences to the family and promised support. TMC MP Santanu Sen promised a comprehensive investigation. The doctor's father said that in their last conversation, everything seemed normal, but she was partially dressed when found. The hospital set up two panels for an internal investigation and autopsy. The initial investigation report states that the victim was found "partially dressed." Assistant doctors demanded an independent investigation. The Health Services Doctors' Association condemned the incident and called for a thorough investigation. Following the incident, protests by doctors spread across India, causing disruptions in hospital services. Thousands of doctors demanded justice and better security measures. The police announced that the doctor was raped and murdered.