ANKA III successfully conducted ammunition firing from within its body. According to a statement made from the X account of Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ), the firing was carried out at an altitude of 20,000 feet and a speed of 180 knots using ASELSAN's domestically produced TOLUN ammunition. The statement included, "With the firing conducted from within the body, ANKA III once again proved its operational capability and engineering skill. We continue to work day and night for our country." "PROVED OUR COUNTRY'S STRENGTH"Haluk Görgün, the President of the Presidency of Defense Industries, stated the following in a statement made from his X account regarding the matter: "With the ammunition firing conducted from within the ANKA III body, our country's engineering strength has once again been proven. This firing, conducted at an altitude of 20,000 feet and a speed of 180 knots, symbolizes the peak of our independent defense industry technologies. This success achieved with ASELSAN's domestic TOLUN ammunition reflects the determination of our employees who believe in a common goal. We sincerely thank the employees of TUSAŞ and ASELSAN who contributed to the realization of this historic step, the valuable personnel of our Defense Industries Presidency who guided the project with their dedicated efforts, and all our stakeholders." "A NEW ERA HAS BEGUN"Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu, the General Manager of TUSAŞ, also stated in his X account, "With the ammunition firing conducted from within the ANKA III body, a new era has begun in the defense industry. This historic success achieved with ASELSAN's TOLUN ammunition once again proves the strength of domestic and national technologies. The dedicated work shown to enhance our country's defense capabilities and strengthen its independence makes us all proud. We will continue on our path with the same determination and resolve for even greater successes."