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Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest cheese in China.

Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest cheese in China.

26.09.2024 13:40

Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest cheese in a cemetery in China. The cheese, found in the grave of a farmer from the Bronze Age and estimated to be 3,600 years old, was determined to be made from cow and goat milk. It is thought that this cheese could be one of the earliest examples of the popular probiotic kefir. This discovery may provide us with more insights into the dietary habits and culture of our ancestors.

Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest piece of cheese in the tomb of a Chinese mummy. Experts believe it was buried with a farmer's favorite food from the Bronze Age. This cheese, estimated to be about 3,600 years old, surpasses the previous record by 400 years.

DNA analysis revealed that the cheese was made from cow and goat milk. Scientists think it could be one of the earliest examples of the probiotic kefir that is popular today.

Professor Qiaomei Fu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences said, "This discovery may help us better understand our ancestors' dietary habits and culture." Cheese samples were found in tombs in the desert region of the Agricultural Basin in northwestern China.

Professor Fu's research shows that the cheese is a fermented dairy product known as kefir. Kefir has become popular again today because it contains beneficial bacteria for health. It is believed that the bacteria in the ancient cheese are similar to those in modern kefir, but likely posed more of a challenge to the digestive system.

This study is unique in showing how a bacterium has evolved over 3,000 years. Professor Fu added, "We hope to discover other previously unknown artifacts using this technology."

While prehistoric cheese traces have been found worldwide, they are usually chemical residues on tools or pottery. It is estimated that humans began making cheese more than 7,000 years ago.

Archaeologists discovered the world's oldest cheese in China
Archaeologists discovered the world's oldest cheese in China

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