An explosion occurred at the İzmit facilities of Turkey's Petroleum Refineries (TÜPRAŞ). In a statement made by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın after the explosion, it was said, "There was a planned drill at Tüpraş. We were aware of it. It is currently under control. They have their own firefighting organization. They have handled the matter themselves. We have not received any information about injured or deceased individuals. There is no cause for concern." Following the news of the explosion, as of 13:42, TUPRS shares decreased by 2.5%, falling to 139.30 TL, and it was noted that the shares were temporarily suspended from trading until a statement from the company was received at 14:03 on the BIST side. The BIST's statement is as follows: "Until the special situation statement requested from the company is published on KAP, the TUPRS.E order, related warrants, and futures and options contracts based on TUPRS shares have been temporarily suspended from trading."