Barış Kılıç, Evrim Alasya, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, Sıla Türkoğlu, Sibel Taşçıoğlu, and Doğukan Güngör starred in the leading roles of Kızılcık Şerbeti, which premiered last night with its 3rd season first episode. Evrim Alasya, who played Kıvılcım in the series, gave an outstanding performance that gave goosebumps. BETRAYAL FIRST, THEN SIBLING PAINKıvılcım, who learned that her husband Ömer had previously had a relationship with Görkem, the wife of his nephew Fatih, experienced a great devastation. Crying and distancing herself from everyone, Kıvılcım spent the night at the house of a man named Cemal whom she had just met. Confronting Ömer, Kıvılcım took revenge by saying "I betrayed you, and it was just last night." Devastated by the pain of betrayal, Kıvılcım went to Germany to give birth and was heartbroken by the news of her sister Alev's death. Kıvılcım, who threw herself on the floor crying in the hospital corridor, later came to Turkey with her newborn nephew. Evrim Alasya mesmerized the audience with her performance in every scene she appeared in for two episodes. Comments such as "You didn't act, you lived the scene" were made for the successful actress. Here are some comments made about Evrim Alasya...