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Firefighters are intervening in a fire that broke out at a toy factory in the Büyükkarıştıran town of Lüleburgaz district in Kırklareli. SUPPORT TEAMS FROM THE SURROUNDING AREA HAVE ALSO ARRIVEDA fire broke out at the toy factory located in Büyükkarıştıran town for an undetermined reason around noon. The fire quickly engulfed the factory, and the firefighters who arrived at the scene are making intense efforts to bring the fire under control. In addition to the firefighters from Kırklareli, reinforcement teams were sent from the districts of Çorlu, Ergene, and Muratlı in Tekirdağ. Water tankers and construction machinery from surrounding municipalities were also dispatched to the scene to help control the flames. THE SKY WAS COVERED WITH BLACK SMOKEFirefighters are continuing their efforts intensively to prevent the fire from spreading to other nearby structures. Due to the fire, the sky in the area where the factory is located is covered with black smoke, while the teams' intervention continues.
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