After celebrating the New Year at an alcoholic entertainment venue in Sakarya, the driver, who was subjected to a police check, abandoned the vehicle and the woman inside and fled. "THE DRIVER CLAIMED IT WAS A VALET" DEFENSEOn New Year's Eve, police teams conducted checks at various points to ensure peace and security throughout the city. In this context, an incident occurred in the early moments of 2025 on Adnan Menderes Street in the Adapazarı district that made one say "enough" in Sakarya. Upon seeing the police check, the driver of the vehicle parked the car and abandoned the woman inside, fleeing the scene. During the police interrogation, the woman who got out of the vehicle, whose driver could not be found, defended herself by saying, "The valet brought the car." BEGGED THE POLICEThe police asked, "Whose vehicle is this? How did you get into this vehicle? A valet cannot have stopped you randomly while passing by. Did a valet pick you up with a random car?" In response, the woman, who claimed she did not know the owner of the vehicle, said, "I need to go home as soon as possible, let me go," while the female police officer replied, "Bring me the owner of the vehicle, and I will let you go. You can bring the vehicle owner just like you found the vehicle. I have never gotten into a vehicle I didn't know." Later, different individuals who arrived in the area tried to convince the police. After a while, as the woman got into a taxi and left the area, a person who approached the vehicle claimed to be her boyfriend, stating that the vehicle belonged to him and that he did not know how it was brought to the area. The police teams, unable to identify the driver of the vehicle, had it towed to the parking lot.