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Instead of rescuing the little girl, he waited with a thermos in his hand! The photo that proves the negligence allegation in Beren Su's death.

Instead of rescuing the little girl, he waited with a thermos in his hand! The photo that proves the negligence allegation in Beren Su's death.

26.07.2024 20:00

A photo has emerged proving the negligence allegation regarding the death of 13-year-old Beren Su Bolat, who died after falling into the elevator shaft during the rescue operation while trapped in an elevator in Ankara. In the photo, it can be seen that the firefighter who was supposed to hold onto Beren Su had a thermos in his hand and the little girl was not wearing a seatbelt. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has initiated an investigation into the firefighter involved in the incident.

Ankara'da asansörde mahsur kalan Beren Su Bolat'ın (13), itfaiye ekibinin kurtarma çalışması sırasında asansör boşluğuna düşerek hayatını kaybetmesiyle ilgili itfaiye personeli hakkında adli ve idari soruşturma başlatıldı. Beren Su, asansörden indiği sırada kendisini tutması gereken itfaiye görevlisinin elinde termos olduğu ortaya çıktı. Bu ana ilişkin fotoğraf, soruşturma dosyasına girdi.


Beren Su Bolat, salı günü Sincan ilçesi Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi 4'üncü Cadde'de sınıf arkadaşının oturduğu apartmana gitti. Beren Su ile arkadaşı, 5 ve 6'ncı katlar arasında duran asansörde mahsur kaldı. İhbar üzerine gelen itfaiyenin çalışması sırasında Beren Su, asansör boşluğuna düşerek hayatını kaybederken, arkadaşı kurtarıldı.

Photo proving the negligence rumors in Beren Su's death
Beren Su Bolat


Beren Su'nun ölümüne ilişkin hazırlanan bilirkişi raporu doğrultusunda itfaiye görevlileri hakkında Ankara Batı Başsavcılığı'nca 'Taksirle ölüme neden olma suçlamasıyla' adli soruşturma, Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi (ABB) tarafından ise idari soruşturma başlatıldı.

Photo proving the negligence rumors in Beren Su's death


Öte yandan Beren Su ile arkadaşının kurtarılma çalışması sırasında çekilen bir fotoğraf da soruşturma dosyasına girdi. Fotoğrafta Beren Su, iki kat arasında kalan asansörden arkası dönük bir şekilde indiği sırada, kendisini tutması gereken itfaiye personelinin bir elinde termos olduğu görüldü. Beren Su'nun, asansörden indiği sırada alttaki boşluğa düştüğü belirtildi.

Photo proving the negligence rumors in Beren Su's death


Ankara Metropolitan Municipality released a written statement regarding the incident, stating: "Following the unfortunate accident in an apartment building in Fevzi Çakmak Neighborhood, Sincan district on July 23, 2024, where a 13-year-old girl lost her life while being rescued from a stuck elevator, both the public prosecutor's office and the relevant authorities of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality have initiated a criminal and administrative investigation against the personnel involved in the incident. If it is determined that Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is responsible for the tragic incident through the ongoing legal processes and investigations, all necessary legal actions will be taken with utmost care and diligence."

Photo proving the negligence rumors in Beren Su's death


Beren Su Bolat's uncle, Fatih Büyükata, stated that there was negligence on the part of the fire department, and the photo taken during the rescue operation proves it. Büyükata said the following: "People around were saying 'Open the door from the 6th floor, not the 5th floor.' The firefighter responded, 'Are you going to teach us how to do our job? Step aside, we will handle it.' They opened the door, and then they told the child to 'Come down.' They made the child sit as if on a normal chair. Then they said, 'Turn around, try to come down like climbing down from a tree, we will catch you.' Normally, they should have secured her with a safety harness or taken necessary safety precautions, but they didn't."

Photo proving the negligence rumors in Beren Su's death


He didn't do anything. He had a cup in his hand and said, 'Turn around, try to come down like climbing down from a tree, I will hold you.' When the child leaned back and tried to hang down, he didn't hold her and let her fall into the void. It's complete negligence. If they had opened the door from the 6th floor, they wouldn't even need a chair, she could have easily gotten out. In the photo, you can see that the elevator is 80% above ground level, but he opened the door from below. He gave a statement saying, 'I couldn't communicate with the children,' and 'she panicked and threw herself.' Do you think there is a chance to panic and throw yourself here? He gave her confidence by saying, 'I will hold you in my arms,' and made the child rely on him. The child fell directly into the elevator shaft in this way."


Büyükata, who stated that there was a major negligence in the incident, said, "I asked the firefighter driver what happened. The only sentence he said in a frozen state was, 'Sir, I am not guilty, I didn't even go up, believe me.' What do you understand psychologically? A crime has been committed. This photo is the response to the lie he told in his statement. We don't want any other lives to be affected. There is no jumping distance to the elevator shaft from there. Beren had won an excellent high school with a score of 466. They were even planning to move closer to their relatives in that district. But life took our child away from us like this. She was a lawyer in our eyes, a perfect doctor for the future. We are making all efforts to prevent other lives from being affected," he said.

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