In the trial where Nihal and Bahar Candan, known as the Candan Sisters in the public, are being tried for fraud and membership in a criminal organization, the court announced its interim decision without disturbing their detention. Upon hearing that her detention would continue, Bahar Candan turned to her father and said, "Am I going to stay here? Should I kill myself? What should I do?" "I RECEIVED 15,000 TL ONCE"The trial, in which Alisya Bahar Candan is accused of fraud and membership in a criminal organization and Gülnihal Çiçek, known as Nihal Candan, is requested to be sentenced to 8 to 24 years, continued. After the break in the trial held at Küçükçekmece 5th Heavy Penal Court, the defendant Hacı İsrafil Sağlam made his defense. Sağlam said, "I made backups for all the files on my phone. However, this has been considered as evidence that violates the confidentiality of the investigation in this indictment. I was told that there were vehicles taken from TMSF and sold. I never said that I buy or sell. I heard about money being sent to the accounts of Nihal and Bahar Candan. Onur Apaydın once said to Bahar Candan, 'Money will be sent to the account.' However, I don't know what it will be sent for. I'm not saying that the organization's safes are Bahar and Nihal Candan. I'm just saying what I heard. I only received 15,000 TL cash from Onur Apaydın once. Other than that, I never received any money," he said. "SHOULD I KILL MYSELF, WHAT SHOULD I DO?"After the defendant's defense, the court announced its interim decision and decided to continue the detention of the defendants. The trial was adjourned to Friday, September 13th, for the continuation of the defendants' defenses. Meanwhile, upon hearing that her detention would continue, Bahar Candan turned to her father and said, "Am I going to stay here? Should I kill myself? What should I do?" NIHAL CANDAN WAS RELEASED UNDER JUDICIAL CONTROLThe indictment prepared by Küçükçekmece Public Prosecutor's Office included 38 victims, 1 victim suspect, and 21 defendants, including Nihal and Bahar Candan. It was also stated in the indictment that Gülnihal Çiçek, who was in detention, was released under judicial control taking into account the time spent in detention. The indictment stated that the gang led by Onur Apaydın and İlker Oflu defrauded people by saying that they sold cars cheaply using the "carp fishing" method. It was noted in the indictment that Bahar and Nihal Candan were part of the hierarchical and organic structure of the criminal organization. The indictment further stated, "The suspects have participated in various television programs in the past, and after becoming famous, they have also appeared in gossip programs. Due to reaching a large number of followers on social media platforms, they are referred to as social media influencers and television personalities. Therefore, they played an active role in deceiving the victims in special meetings organized by the criminal organization," it said. The indictment stated that Onur Apaydın, the leader of the organization, carried out banking activities through Alisya Bahar Candan, who was in the position of "secret accountant and safe" within the organization, and laundered the proceeds of the crime. "NIHAL CANDAN WAS THE GIRLFRIEND OF THE ORGANIZATION LEADER ONUR APAYDIN"Meanwhile, the suspect Hacı İsrafil Sağlam, who was responsible for providing victims, stated in his statement mentioned in the indictment that he attended organization meetings and said, "Everyone from the upper management attended the meetings. Field staff and lower-level personnel were never allowed to attend. Everyone in the organization's top management participated. I saw Nihal Candan at two meetings. Nihal Candan was the girlfriend of the organization leader Onur Apaydın. The other individuals showed respect to Nihal Candan and kept their distance. Topics related to car buying and selling were discussed in the organization's internal workings in the presence of Nihal Candan," the statement said. HERE ARE THE REQUESTED PENALTIESIn the indictment, it was requested that Bahar Candan be sentenced to 2 to 4 years for "membership in a criminal organization" and 2 times 12 to 40 years for "committing fraud by introducing oneself as a public official or an employee of a bank, insurance, or credit institution or claiming to be associated with these institutions," totaling 14 to 44 years in prison. It was also requested that Nihal Candan be sentenced to 8 to 24 years for the same crimes. Different prison sentences were requested for the other 20 suspects.