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Is the reason for not attending the congress the new regulation? Striking statement from Kılıçdaroğlu from CHP.

Is the reason for not attending the congress the new regulation? Striking statement from Kılıçdaroğlu from CHP.

06.09.2024 19:00

The absence of former Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu at the 20th Extraordinary Congress of the CHP, which was held for the amendment of the regulations, drew attention. CHP leader Özel stated that detailed information about the regulations was given to Kılıçdaroğlu in their meeting last week, saying, "Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's commitments have been included in the regulations. Yesterday, the final version was sent by email, confirmed, and Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that he would inform me if there is a suggestion or a point that needs to be corrected."

The 20th Extraordinary Congress of the CHP, which was held with the agenda of regulation change, drew attention to the absence of former leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, while his successor Özgür Özel made a statement. CHP leader Özel stated that detailed information about the regulation was given to Kılıçdaroğlu in the meeting last week and said, "Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's commitments have been included in the regulation. Yesterday, the final version was sent by mail, confirmed, and Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that he would inform me if there is a suggestion or a point that needs to be corrected."


The 20th Extraordinary Congress of the CHP started at the Ankara ATO Congresium Hall. While party delegates, mayors, and MPs entered the hall, spectators were not allowed, and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu did not attend the program. After the moment of silence, the national anthem was sung, and the election of the presidium was held. After CHP Deputy Chairman Gökan Zeybek was elected as the chairman, videos titled 'Change', 'Turkey Alliance', 'Glass ceiling is broken', and 'We are starting anew' were shown.

Is the reason for not attending the congress the new regulation? Striking statement from Özel about Kılıçdaroğlu


Özel, stating that unfair criticisms were made about the normalization process, reminded of the rallies they held throughout Turkey as part of their struggle with the government. Özel mentioned the preparation process for the regulation change. Özel stated that detailed information about the regulation was given to Kılıçdaroğlu and said the following: "The Regulation Commission completed its work yesterday evening. This regulation is not Özgür Özel's regulation, the difficulties created by the Political Parties Law have been overcome as much as possible, but there are still difficulties in many points. In addition to these, our commitments have been included in the regulation. Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's commitments have been included in the regulation."


Özel also stated that he informed our Chairman in detail about the regulation during his visit with Mr. Mansur Yavaş and the Ankara Provincial Chairman last Sunday. Yesterday, the final version was sent by mail, confirmed, and Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that he would inform me if there is a suggestion or a point that needs to be corrected. Our previous leaders did not fall short, they responded to every invitation that would strengthen our party since the day I was elected. We also informed them about the regulation in the meeting we held with our Istanbul Provincial Chairman last week. This regulation is neither mine nor Kemal Bey's. This regulation belongs to our organization in terms of inclusiveness and has been prepared by the whole commission."

Is the reason for not attending the congress the new regulation? Striking statement from Özel about Kılıçdaroğlu


Özel stated that the Regulation Commission accepted the changes unanimously and said, "This regulation is not about giving me a vote of confidence. The passage of the regulation does not strengthen or weaken me. No one loses when this regulation passes, our organization wins. I find it extremely worrisome if any provision or the whole regulation is not embraced by this organization, which has been the subject of democratic discussions conducted before; I hope that it will be discussed freely in the Regulation Commission that will be established shortly and in this hall, and after a negotiation process that will set an example for Turkey, we will all step into the Program Congress, where we will determine how to govern Turkey, together, hand in hand, and successfully accomplish the easy part of the job, which is the main difficult part, contrary to the expectations of some, I trust you for this process, and I entrust each and every one of you with this process."


Assessing the criticisms regarding the term limit planned to be imposed on MPs, Özel said, "This commission has brought the term limit to 2 elections ago. This commission counted that the current MPs served for 1 term and the previous MPs served for 2 terms. It is not for any of our valuable executives who have been discussed and criticized in the public, who have worked and contributed a lot to this party, but only for our young friend who has filled the terms quickly with half terms, maybe an opportunity to run for one more term is offered. The decision will be made in the General Assembly. They said, 'CHP is a party that believes in parliamentary democracy and advocates a strong parliament.

Is the reason for not attending the congress the new regulation? Striking statement from Özel about Kılıçdaroğlu

It is not right for the party leader to be a member of parliament. It weakens the party. At least they proposed to write an exemption clause for the party leaders. I thanked them and rejected it. Until the primary held in 2015, I was an MP. I was a working and hardworking MP. These efforts were appreciated by 11,650 out of 13,000 members who voted in Manisa, and I broke the record of all time with 86% support and became the group deputy chairman, group chairman, and party leader in the CHP.

For this, when the party leader and his deputies, well-known figures, go to a city, they have concerns about not participating in the primaries, waiting for hours with flags in their hands, resting in the rain, and asking for support under the sun, then that person and the party are already finished. Including the party leader, we will all participate in the primaries. Those who want to be MPs will participate in the primaries and seek approval from the organization," he said.


Özel called on the delegates to support the passage of the article that envisages an increase in the quota for women and youth with the regulation change and stated that the change opened the way for those who want to be candidates for party leader.Special, emphasizing that they will stand against the trusteeship applications, referred to the judicial process regarding Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and stated, "The intentional, ugly information leaks through Ekrem İmamoğlu's long-lasting, delayed, unresolved file are efforts to design politics in Turkey. Ekrem İmamoğlu has expressed his stance against these efforts decisively and clearly. As the General Chairman of the party, on behalf of all our provincial chairmen, district chairmen, and congress delegates, representing 1 million 460 thousand members, I express with one voice that Mr. İmamoğlu's attitude is the attitude of our party. CHP stands by Ekrem İmamoğlu. We will not entrust the beloved of Istanbul, the favorite of our party, to anyone's evil eye, we will not leave it to anyone's mercy, everyone will know their place," he said.

Additionally, Özel criticized the acceptance of the indictment requesting 3.5 years of imprisonment and a political ban for former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu by the court and emphasized that his party stands behind Kılıçdaroğlu.


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