03.03.2025 08:50
ABB President Mansur Yavaş spoke at the CHP Provincial Advisory Council meeting. Yavaş, who conducted a survey measuring the satisfaction rates of district municipalities, also shared the survey results for a potential presidential election. According to the survey on Yavaş's desk, the CHP candidate ranked first in the presidential election with 48%, while the AK Party candidate came in second with 37%.
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Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş shared the survey results containing the satisfaction rates of district mayors and voting tendencies.
In Elmadağ, the satisfaction rate was measured at 75%, with a tendency to vote for CHP at 46%, while the AK Party was at 29%. In Kalecik, satisfaction was 80%, with CHP's vote rate at 33% and AK Party's at 43%. In Şereflikoçhisar, satisfaction was determined to be 87%, with support for CHP at 44% and for AK Party at 26%.
In Beypazarı, satisfaction reached 84%, while CHP surpassed AK Party (34%) for the first time with 36%. In Güdül, the success rate was 77%, with CHP at 35% and AK Party at 38%. In Nallıhan, the success rate was measured at 91%, with CHP at 44% and AK Party at 31%. In Ayaş, satisfaction was at 70%, with CHP at 35% and AK Party at 38%.
Yavaş stated that the overall satisfaction rate in Ankara is at 63%, noting that CHP has reached a vote rate of 40.8% across the city, while AK Party remained at 28%. In a possible presidential election, the CHP candidate ranked first with 48%, while the AK Party candidate came in second with 37%.
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