26.01.2025 23:31
President's Chief Advisor and Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Legal Policies Council, Mehmet Uçum, stated, "Some continue to refer to it as the 'Kurdish issue' as if the Kurds are a problem. However, there is no diagnosis of a 'Kurdish issue' from the perspective of the Republic of Turkey regarding the Kurds of Turkey today."
Mehmet Uçum, the Chief Advisor to the President and Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Legal Policies Board, published an article titled 'State and Kurds' on his social media account.
"THE AGENDA BETWEEN THE STATE AND KURDS IN TURKEY HAS TRANSFORMED FROM A 'PROBLEM' TO A 'TOPIC'" Uçum stated, "The agenda between the State and the Kurds in Turkey has started to transform from being a 'problem' under the administrations of President Erdoğan to becoming a 'topic'. It can be said that the transition from 'problem' to 'topic' is still ongoing. However, the perspective of 'not a problem but a topic' has become the dominant approach of the State. Some use the expression 'Kurdish problem' to target Turkey's integrity through identity politics. Others continue to refer to it as the 'Kurdish problem' as if the Kurds themselves are a problem. However, from the perspective of the Republic of Turkey today, there is no diagnosis of a 'Kurdish problem' for the Kurds of Turkey. The forty-year-long terrorism issue is an imperialist operation that exploits not only the Kurds of Turkey but all Kurds in the region, and it can never be defined as a 'Kurdish problem,'" he said.
"CALL FOR DISARMAMENT WILL BE UNCONDITIONAL" At this stage, expressing that the relationship between the State and the Kurds can be defined as 'topics' rather than 'problems', Mehmet Uçum stated, "The main topics can be expressed as follows: The complete integration of all Kurds with the State by completely eliminating separatist tendencies. Just like all elements of the Turkish nation (all groups of the Turkish people, all segments of Turkish society), all Kurds must take full responsibility for Turkey's democratic progress, development, and strengthening, tightly embracing the Turkish perspective and unconditionally adopting Turkey. Strengthening and institutionalizing the freedom of the Kurdish language. If there are some bad practices that can be described as deviations despite the State's constructive approach towards the Kurdish language, they must be eliminated. The Kurdish language must be restored to its true identity. Achieving a terrorism-free Turkey is a fundamental condition for taking stronger and more established steps on these and other topics. Therefore, the call for disarmament must be unconditional and will be unconditional. It is not possible to accept any other type. A situation that is conditional cannot be tied to another condition. No one should write imaginary scenarios on this issue or engage in deceptive narratives. The elimination of separatist projects has become much clearer as a result of the efforts and policies that the State has pursued since the beginning of this century, and the fact that Turkish nationality and citizenship legally and factually encompass the Kurds has become much more evident," he expressed.
"A TERRORISM-FREE TURKEY IS NOT AN END BUT A BEGINNING" Emphasizing that despite all the doubts and black propaganda attempts created by referencing the bad practices of the 20th century and especially the fascism of September 12, the inclusive content and depth of the names 'Turkish nation' and 'Turkish citizenship' have been increasingly recognized and embraced by everyone, Uçum stated: "Our legal system regulates Turkish citizenship not as an ethnic, religious, or racial bond but as a legal bond. In other words, no differences are taken into account in citizenship; the legal bond is the sole and determining criterion. Additionally, everyone who is a citizen has the same rights and duties. Therefore, we have no problem regarding legal equality in citizenship. For this reason, the Kurds of Turkey have no issue in proudly carrying their identity cards. There is also no emotional barrier to the Kurds' heartfelt belief that they are equal citizens of this country. Undoubtedly, we have no legal or emotional problem regarding 'equal citizenship', but ensuring that the feeling of 'equality among all our citizens' prevails in practice is also our most important duty. Similarly, it is also evident that the Kurds have embraced the fact that Turkish is the dominant, unifying, and sole official language even more. In other words, the imperialist projects aimed at dividing Turkey, which are attempted to be developed through nation, citizenship, and language, are increasingly being exposed, and it is understood that they have no social counterparts, and the process of eliminating these projects is accelerating. All these developments show that the new state initiative and the goal of a terrorism-free Turkey, which began with the initiatives of President Erdoğan and Mr. Bahçeli, have gained significant momentum. The essence of the matter is that a terrorism-free Turkey is not an end but a beginning. With the transition to a terrorism-free Turkey, a new era will begin for both Turkey and the region."