The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) neutralized Zeynep Aslan, code-named Mitra Mani, and Zeliha Mahçup, code-named Ekin Dilda, who were active within the armed women's organization of the terrorist group PKK/KCK, in the Hakurk region of Iraq.
THEY WERE PREPARING FOR ACTIONMIT's field agents determined that terrorists Aslan and Mahçup, who were active within the armed women's organization of the PKK/KCK, were operating in the rural areas of Hakurk, Iraq. It was learned that PKK/KCK members Zeynep Aslan and Zeliha Mahçup had received training to carry out attacks on strategic targets in Turkey and were preparing to cross into the country.
MIT PLACED TWO WOMAN TERRORISTS ON THE TARGET LISTMIT clarified the date and time when the mentioned terrorists would move to cross into the country through its agents in the field. Zeynep Aslan, code-named Mitra Mani, and Zeliha Mahçup, code-named Ekin Dilda, were closely monitored step by step.
THEY WERE NEUTRALIZEDAn operation decision was made for the two female terrorists who had a qualified search record for terrorism. With the appropriate conditions arising, MIT neutralized the terrorists targeting the metropolitan areas in a pinpoint operation in Iraq/Hakurk.
WHO IS TERRORIST ZEYNEP ASLAN?Zeynep Aslan was influenced by the terrorist organization's propaganda aimed at young people and joined the PKK/KCK rural cadres in 2015. Aslan was armed by the organization and operated in Gare, Kandil, Metina, and Haftanin. She participated in armed actions against security forces in the rural areas of Iraq. Most recently, in Hakurk, she was persuaded by PKK/KCK officials to carry out actions in Turkey, taking advantage of her psychological issues.
WHO IS TERRORIST ZELİHA MAHÇUP?Zeliha Mahçup was conscripted by the terrorist organization at a young age. In 2015, she was sent to Syria by the PKK/KCK to engage in conflicts with ISIS. Most recently, she received training for action in Hakurk. - ANKARA