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Özgür Özel, who received applause with the promise of rakı, quickly corrected: The applause was not for the end of the sentence, right?

Özgür Özel, who received applause with the promise of rakı, quickly corrected: The applause was not for the end of the sentence, right?

17.09.2024 14:11

CHP leader Özgür Özel was applauded after his calculation of raki (an alcoholic drink) during his speech on Marmara Island, where he switched from AK Party to CHP. Özel's statement, "Did you applaud at the end of the sentence, right? Don't let them say 'Only people from the island applaud raki'" caused laughter in the area.

CHP Leader Özgür Özel visited Marmara Island, which is affiliated with Balıkesir, where his party received 60% of the votes in the last election. Speaking with Mayor Aydın Dinçer, Özgür Özel said, "After March 31, the mafia's order ended and the people's order came."


Özgür Özel reminded that the reduction of the transportation fee to Marmara Island from 900 lira to 500 lira for the local people was achieved by the CHP administration and said, "Even under these conditions, this is still too much. If Aydın wasn't the mayor, it would have been 1000 lira. When the AK Party President leaves, let the CHP representative come and reduce it to 50 lira. Because it is not Aydın Dinçer who is increasing fuel prices, it is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan," he said.


Özel stated that while the AK Party removed six zeros from the currency, both salaries and expenses have not decreased, and said, "When the CHP comes, it won't be like amateur league teams that score 6 goals and concede 6 goals. We will score 1 goal without letting you concede. They say, 'Let it be 1-0, let it be ours.' But we will remove the zeros from the expenses, not the salaries. It may be difficult in the short term, but after 10 years, Turkey will join the EU," he said.


Özel also said, "Let the salary remain the same as today, but remove one zero from the expenses. Ground beef is 55 lira, lamb chops are 70 lira, and 1 liter of rakı is 140 lira. That's the calculation," he said. After the applause storm, Özel added, "Did you applaud at the end of the sentence, right? Don't say that islanders only applaud rakı," he said. Özel's words made the audience laugh.

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