The budget marathon that started in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) continues with the budget discussions of the Presidency and its affiliated institutions. Selçuk Özdağ, the Deputy Chairman of the Saadet-Future Group, who spoke on behalf of his party in the General Assembly, reacted harshly to the ministers who did not respond to the parliamentary questions. "IF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT HAD WORKED FREELY, THOSE WHO DO NOT ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS WOULD FACE LIFE IMPRISONMENT"Özdağ stated, "You are not answering our parliamentary questions, you are violating the Constitution. The consequence of this is life imprisonment. If there had been a free Constitutional Court in Turkey, the fate of those who do not answer our parliamentary questions would be life imprisonment." "FIRST, COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT CONSTITUTION"Özdağ's statement regarding the issue is as follows: "Why are you not complying with the Constitution? You also contradict yourselves by saying 'we will make a new constitution.' First, comply with the current constitution, answer our parliamentary questions. Why is the wealth fund exempt from oversight? Of course, we want the defense industry to be strong, but why couldn't you stop this brain drain? Why should they come from America, Canada? To a country where inflation is 65-70 percent? To a country whose currency is even half of Bosnia and Herzegovina's? "THOSE WHO VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION CANNOT MAKE A CONSTITUTION"You are not answering our parliamentary questions, you are violating the Constitution. The consequence of this is life imprisonment. If there had been a free Constitutional Court in Turkey, the fate of those who do not answer our parliamentary questions would be life imprisonment. Those who violate the Constitution cannot make a constitution. They do not want the discussions about the abuses in the defense industry. For example, you could not explain why you awarded the Altay tank tender to a foreign company with 49.9. After this company won the tender, the reason for the enormous incentives amounting to 1.4 billion TL given by presidential decree is also a mystery. As a result of all this, where is the Altay tank? We know the answer; zero. There is such propaganda that our nation thinks we are producing a fifth-generation fighter jet."