There was a brief tension during the CHP's Statute Congress regarding the speeches of the mayors. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş made a statement that other mayors should also speak. İmamoğlu and Özel managed to appease Yavaş during the congress where a short-lived tension occurred. "I DON'T WANT TO CREATE CONTROVERSY BUT..."Yavaş, who took the microphone at the Statute Congress and made statements, said, "I don't want to create controversy but I would like to make a speech like Ekrem Başkan's beautiful speech, addressing all of Turkey's problems and expressing my ideas. Unfortunately, an hour ago, I was told to speak. I don't suspect any intention, but if two mayors are allowed to speak in an institutional party, there is a problem. I have been vehemently opposing the fire of discord that has been going on for months, whether it is Ekrem or Mansur." "WE ARE THROWING FUEL INTO THE FIRE OF DISCORD"Yavaş, who further intensified his statements, said, "Our Chairman's opinion and statement on this matter is clear. We are 14 Metropolitan Municipality Mayors, if you only let two of us speak, we are throwing fuel into the fire of discord. I would have liked all our friends to express their opinions on this matter. Or if something is being considered for the future, we will both say the same things, we have the same feelings. At least we could have prepared a speech by preparing a prompter the night before. We could have sent a message to Turkey as well." ÖZEL AND İMAMOĞLU INTERVENEDAfter Mansur Yavaş's words, CHP leader Özgür Özel and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu intervened to appease Mansur Yavaş.