The Survivor 2025 competition, produced and hosted by Acun Ilıcalı, will be on screen in January. The cast of the competition, featuring strong personalities, has been announced. Ilıcalı revealed AllStar 2025 on his social media account. HERE ARE THE CELEBRITIES AND VOLUNTEERS TEAMIn the celebrities team; Seranay Aktaş, Zeynep Alkan, Barış Murat Yağcı, Sema Aydemir, Ayşe Yüksel, İsmail Balaban, Batuhan Karacakaya, and Adem Kılıçcı will participate. In the volunteers team, there will be Batuhan, Tuğba, Adilhan, Dilşah, Mevlüt, Kübra, Göksu, and Kaan. DETAIL THAT CAUGHT ATTENTION IN THE TRAILERWhile the first episode of the competition is eagerly awaited, a detail in the promotional trailer did not go unnoticed. The Survivor poster leaked days before the trailer provided clues about the contestants, but the absence of one name from the trailer confused many. That name was Hikmet Tuğsuz, a contestant from 2019 and 2022. There has been no explanation yet regarding this issue, which has also caused a significant stir on social media.