One of the beloved programs of the daytime television is Esra Erol's show, where "Will You Be My Bride?" contestant Caner Toygar, one of the unforgettable grooms, surprised everyone with his latest post. HE MADE THE DECISION TO LEAVEHaving left those difficult days behind with the support of Esra Erol and her husband, Toygar announced on his social media account that he was leaving the program. Caner shared, "I have decided to leave the program, thank you to everyone... I am open to new job offers... Allah provides sustenance," and he also expressed that he wanted programs looking for reporters to reach out to him. "THE ENEMY OF PRIDE IS ALLAH"In another post, Toygar stated, "The enemy of pride is Allah. Fame, reputation, position, and status are all temporary. No one is superior or ordinary to anyone else. Be careful, while the Truth has created you free, do not let greed consume you." HE HAD PREVIOUSLY GIVEN COMPLIMENTSIn a previous statement, Caner Toygar had said about Esra Erol, "I prayed to Allah, I performed my prayers. I said, 'Oh Allah, please let me meet good people,' and He made me meet you."