Famous Hollywood star Gal Gadot, a mother of four, shared for the first time the life-threatening experience she faced during the birth of her youngest daughter, Ori. The 39-year-old Israeli actress revealed that she underwent emergency surgery due to a blood clot in her brain during her pregnancy. Gadot, who shared her experiences during the birth of her daughter Ori, who was born in March, on social media, said, "I went through challenging experiences this year. I thought for a long time about whether to share this special story, and I finally decided to listen to my heart." Gadot described the critical moments she experienced: "I was urgently taken to the hospital and underwent surgery within a few hours. My daughter Ori was born right during those terrifying moments. It's no coincidence that her name means 'My Light.' Before the surgery, I told my husband Jaron that our daughter would be the light at the end of this dark tunnel." The famous actress also shared what this experience taught her: "It is vital to listen to the signals our bodies give us. Even the slightest discomfort can be a sign of a serious condition. I didn't know that 3 out of every 100,000 pregnant women over the age of 30 experience a brain clot. Early diagnosis saves lives."