17.03.2025 11:20
The meeting between the DEM Party and the MHP, which eyes have been turned to, has begun. MHP leader Bahçeli, who could not attend the meeting due to his treatment process and sent a message, stated, "I would have loved to be at the meeting." It has been learned that the MHP delegation includes three deputy chairpersons.
Following the call of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan for the PKK to lay down arms, the DEM Party's schedule for meetings with political parties continues.
In this context, the delegation led by DEM Party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan, who previously visited CHP, Gelecek Partisi, DEVA Party, TİP, Saadet Party, and EMEP, will visit MHP and AK Party today.
It has been learned that the MHP delegation includes 3 deputy chairpersons during the meeting with the DEM Party.
MHP leader Bahçeli stated that he wished to attend the visit of the DEM Party but believed that the friends assigned to represent his party would adequately take his place. Bahçeli said, "On this occasion, I greet my valuable comrades and the DEM Party delegation, and I say may our mobilization for a terrorism-free Turkey be blessed."
The Imralı delegation consisting of Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Tülay Hatimoğulları, and Tuncer Bakırhan will also visit the AK Party today after MHP.