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The new tactic of FETÖ fugitive Hakan Şükür! He is misleading the public by trolling.

The new tactic of FETÖ fugitive Hakan Şükür! He is misleading the public by trolling.

25.08.2024 12:00

Former football player Hakan Şükür, who is a fugitive from FETÖ, is filing lawsuits for substantial amounts of compensation against those who insult him by making provocative posts on social media. In a lawsuit file heard at Bakırköy Civil Court of First Instance, it was stated that Hakan Şükür "provokes people by making provocative posts and tries to make a profit by filing lawsuits for moral compensation."

The former football player and member of parliament Hakan Şükür, who is a fugitive from the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), has been accused of making provocative posts on social media to incite citizens and then filing lawsuits for substantial amounts of compensation against those who insulted him, in an attempt to generate income.


Hakan Şükür, who lives in the USA, filed a lawsuit through his lawyer at the Bakırköy Civil Court of First Instance, claiming 100 thousand liras in moral compensation for an alleged insult in response to a social media post by M.C.Y. In the lawsuit petition submitted to the court by Şükür's lawyer, it was also requested that legal interest be applied from 2022 onwards.

In addition, Hakan Şükür requested "legal aid" from the court without paying the 1977 lira lawsuit fee. The lawyer of the defendant M.C.Y., Serhat Sayan, stated in the petition submitted to the court that "persons who are unable to pay trial or enforcement costs" can benefit from legal aid.


In Sayan's petition, it was emphasized that despite the rejection of the request for legal aid by the court, Şükür did not pay the lawsuit fee and only completed the postage expenses, therefore, according to the Code of Civil Procedure, it was stated that the lawsuit file should be removed from the process.


The petition stated, "The plaintiff aims to create a basis for agreement with the opposing party by demanding high amounts of compensation and, affected by the high amount requested, agrees to settle the cases and close the files. In case an agreement cannot be reached, since there is no collection capability in Turkey anyway, the plaintiff does not pay the opposing counsel fees and trial expenses."


In the petition regarding Şükür's compensation claim, whose entire assets in Turkey have been frozen due to his membership in FETÖ, the following determinations were also included: "The plaintiff tries to gain material benefits and profits by opening moral compensation lawsuits in our country. Moral compensation cannot be used as a means of enrichment by the claimant. Our higher courts have constantly emphasized this. However, the fact that the plaintiff does not have any collateral in Turkey can only be considered as bad faith for opening a lawsuit by showing high amounts. In the lawsuit petition, 200 lawsuit files are mentioned. Considering that each of them has a compensation amount of 100,000 liras, a compensation amount of 20,000,000 liras is mentioned. When interest, trial expenses, and attorney fees are added to this, the amount increases even more. The plaintiff incites people by making provocative posts and tries to make money by opening such lawsuits. While doing these, he tries to create the impression that he has no income and his financial situation is not good."


In the petition, it was stated that multiple arrest warrants were issued for Hakan Şükür within the scope of FETÖ investigations, but since he fled to the USA like other senior executives of the organization before the July 15 coup attempt, the arrest warrant could not be executed. It was also stated in the petition that, before proceeding to the essence of the lawsuit, it should be taken into consideration that Şükür lives a luxurious life in the USA. It was emphasized in the petition that Şükür opened a football school in Palo Alto, California as of August 2023, and it was stated, "As seen on social media, he lives in luxury in the United States of America. He has also opened a football school. He stays in luxury villas and uses luxury cars. However, he tries to make money in a malicious way by opening hundreds of lawsuits without showing any collateral or paying fees by requesting 'legal aid'."


During the preliminary examination hearing held in court, it was decided that the plaintiff Hakan Şükür should deposit 20 thousand liras in cash or a bank guarantee letter. The judge, who gave Şükür a two-week period, informed the lawyers of the parties that if the guarantee is not deposited, a decision will be made to dismiss the lawsuit on procedural grounds. Hakan Şükür did not deposit the guarantee within this period. It is expected that the lawsuit will be deemed unfiled and dismissed in the hearing to be held in October.


Serhat Sayan, the lawyer of the defendant, emphasized to AA correspondent that citizens living abroad must provide collateral in order to file a lawsuit and initiate enforcement proceedings in Turkey. Sayan stated that those who do not have the financial means to provide collateral can request legal aid from the state, and mentioned that Hakan Şükür also resorted to this method when filing compensation lawsuits against citizens. Sayan, who explained their experiences during the lawsuit process at the Bakırköy Civil Court of First Instance, said, "When we took over this case, we saw that there was a request for legal aid. We requested the investigation of this request by the court. In the investigation, it was determined that Hakan Şükür leads a luxurious life abroad. Upon this, the court rejected the request for legal aid." According to the rejection decision of the court, Sayan emphasized that Şükür cannot file a lawsuit without paying the guarantee, and stated that this decision could set a precedent for other lawsuits. Lawyer Sayan explained what should be done if citizens are involved in such a lawsuit as follows: "In the research we conducted specifically at Bakırköy Courthouse, we saw that Hakan Şükür filed more than 100 moral compensation lawsuits on the same subject. All of these moral compensation lawsuits are of very high caliber. How many of them require collateral, how many of them have legal aid, we do not know these. Therefore, we want citizens to be aware. If they have such lawsuits filed against them, they must definitely request collateral from the judge and the court."

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