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The normalization process is cracking! Erdogan was angered by Özel's words: We will respond with interest.

The normalization process is cracking! Erdogan was angered by Özel's words: We will respond with interest.

27.06.2024 20:57

The use of the expression "accomplice in crime" by CHP leader Özgür Özel for the AK Party has angered President Erdoğan. In his speech in the party group, Erdoğan responded to Özel by saying, "We may be soft-hearted, but nobody should forget that we are not submissive sheep whose necks can be pulled. Those who are looking for an accomplice in crime should question who they walked the path of urban consensus with before throwing mud at us. We will not tolerate inappropriate expressions and we will respond in kind."

The President and AK Party Leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan made statements at his party's group meeting. Erdogan, referring to the normalization process in politics, warned CHP leader Ozgur Ozal without mentioning his name to tidy up his statements.


In his statement, Erdogan said, "We expect the opposition to approach with an inclusive language. Despite all our sincerity, you can see how the opposition responds to our efforts. While trying to be constructive, our nation is watching how the leader of the CHP tries to drag politics into tension. Our nation sees the insults that have increased after the return visit. For 22 years, we have been walking this path with sometimes alone and sometimes sincere friends. We have not seen any courtesy from the CHP. We have not lost anything either. Today, we are not pursuing a political gain. We want the CHP to abandon the politics of tension. Let our democracy benefit from this. Accepting insults towards the People's Alliance does not mean that we will tolerate it. Being gentle does not mean that we will tolerate rudeness. We are soft-headed, but no one should forget that we are not submissive sheep to be led."

Normalization process is cracking! Özel's words angered Erdoğan: We will respond in kind


Referring to CHP leader Ozgur Ozal's response to MHP leader Bahceli, Erdogan said, "Those looking for a partner in crime should not bother themselves too much. They should look at the money towers whose origins and destinations they cannot explain. Those looking for a partner in crime should question who they walked with in urban consensus before throwing mud at us. We try not to engage in disputes that do not benefit the country. We also expect normalization from the opposition. We are open to criticism from the opposition, but we will not tolerate inappropriate expressions and we will respond in kind. We will not make anyone a partner in our success story."

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