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The prosecutor, who was known as the accomplice of the judge involved in bribery, threats, and drug scandals, has also been dismissed.

The prosecutor, who was known as the accomplice of the judge involved in bribery, threats, and drug scandals, has also been dismissed.

27.06.2024 20:03

The expulsion of Judge Gül Altınok, who was involved in many scandals such as bribery, blackmail, threats, and drug parties while serving in Adana and Edirne, revealed that Prosecutor Fatih Aslan, who was his accomplice, was also expelled. The Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) announced the development regarding the matter, stating that the investigation is ongoing.

The Council of Judges and Prosecutors made a statement about Judge Gül Altınok from Adana and Prosecutor Fatih Aslan from Mardin. The Council of Judges and Prosecutors stated that the trial process of both judicial members is ongoing and announced that Aslan was also dismissed from duty following Altınok.


In a written statement made by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, it was stated that "despite some allegations in certain press organizations, it has been reported in the news that Adana Judge Gül Altınok and Mardin Prosecutor Fatih Aslan continue their duties or no action has been taken against them. Therefore, it has become necessary for our Council to make a press statement to the public."

An investigation permit was granted for Judge Gül Altınok based on the allegations received by our Council while she was serving in Adana, and it was decided to temporarily dismiss her from duty in accordance with Article 77 of Law No. 2802 on Judges and Prosecutors.

The disciplinary investigation in question is still ongoing. In addition, based on the investigation report prepared as a result of the investigation conducted upon the investigation permit previously granted for the judge in question due to the allegations constituting a crime during her duty in Edirne, it was decided to punish her with expulsion from the profession twice.

Furthermore, within the scope of the prosecution permit granted by our Council for the judge in question, she is currently being tried in the 5th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation for the actions constituting a crime, and the trial has been adjourned until September 10, 2024.


Prosecutor Fatih Aslan has been punished with expulsion from the profession twice by our Council due to the actions subject to investigation, and these decisions have become final. Furthermore, the trial of the aforementioned Public Prosecutor is ongoing in the 1st Heavy Penal Court of Edirne within the scope of the prosecution permit granted by our Council.

In the statement, it was stated that "the allegations regarding judicial members are closely monitored by our Council, and necessary actions will be taken promptly within the framework of our duties and powers arising from our legislation, as it has been done so far."

Since there is a possibility that news about the fact that no action has been taken against some judicial members who are subject to disciplinary proceedings and whose trials are ongoing may negatively affect the reputation of the judiciary and the trust in the judiciary, it is important for all segments of society to show sensitivity to this issue."

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