The countdown for the minimum wage increase has begun. While possible scenarios regarding the minimum wage are being discussed in the public, the Minimum Wage Determination Commission, which will convene in December, will announce its final decision after four meetings.
As the new year approaches, millions are focused on the determined minimum wage. The process regarding the new minimum wage, which affects more than 7 million people and indirectly almost every citizen in the country, will begin with the gathering of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission in December. THE COMMISSION WILL CONSIST OF 15 PEOPLEThe minimum wage that will be valid in the new year is determined by a total of 15-member delegation, consisting of 5 representatives from workers, 5 from employers, and 5 from government representatives. The Turkish Confederation of Trade Unions (Türk-İş) will represent the workers, while the Turkish Confederation of Employer Unions (TİSK) will represent the employers in the negotiations. HERE ARE THE STRONGEST SCENARIOSWhile different scenarios regarding minimum wage increase predictions are being discussed, the rate at which negotiations will begin for the new minimum wage is also becoming clearer. Based on public expectations, the negotiations are expected to start with a demand for a minimum increase of 25-35%. According to possible scenarios regarding the minimum wage, the wages will be shaped as follows: If a 20% increase is made, the minimum wage will be 20,402 lira. If a 25% increase is made, the minimum wage will be 21,252 lira. If a 30% increase is made, the minimum wage will be 22,102 lira. If a 35% increase is made, the minimum wage will be 22,502 lira. If a 40% increase is made, the minimum wage will be 23,802 lira.