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The text is about Arolat's interview given 16 days ago, which is currently trending! He shared a story about having come back from death.

The text is about Arolat's interview given 16 days ago, which is currently trending! He shared a story about having come back from death.

21.09.2024 11:50

Metin Arolat, who passed away last night due to a heart attack on stage, had recently shared a near-drowning experience during a program he attended. Arolat recounted that when a piece of meat got stuck in his throat, he couldn't breathe and lost consciousness, collapsing to the ground. He said, "At that moment, my mother was alive, and I thought I would lose my second child. Am I going to die here? It was truly a moment of facing life, and then I went."

52-year-old famous singer Metin Arolat suddenly collapsed on stage while singing at the Hilton in Kozyatağı, Istanbul. Arolat, who suffered a heart attack, could not be saved despite the interventions. Arolat, who had a busy concert marathon, had recounted the moments he escaped death on the program of his close friend Armağan Çağlayan on September 5.


The program Arolat appeared on September 5 was aired two days earlier. Arolat, who appeared to be quite healthy, shared the moments he escaped death years ago, saying: "I was at a friend's house in Çeşme. They returned to Istanbul, I stayed. In the morning, they left me a note saying 'I made meat in the fridge, you can eat it'... I got up, opened the fridge, and put a piece of meat in my mouth... I chewed and tried to swallow, but I couldn't. It got stuck in my throat. I drank water, it came out of my nose. There was no breath at all... I put my hand in, my teeth cut my hands. I touched something there but couldn't grab it. My blood pressure was gradually dropping. I thought, 'is this all life'... I fell to the ground, opened my eyes, and there was a pool. I thought, 'I wish I had jumped into the pool.' The pool gradually got farther away, and there were some whiteness... I didn't think I was dying. At the last moment, I thought; they will find me here. At someone else's house. My mother was alive then. My mother would be losing her second child now. She would be very sad. What do I have on me? Am I going to die here! It was really a moment of facing life, and I left. I thought, 'My friends are in Istanbul... they will probably find me here rotten days later'... I left, consciousness closed. Then suddenly I woke up with a vibration. A groan. I think singing, being able to use my diaphragm helped me in this situation. That piece I couldn't get out of my throat moved, and I took the best breath of my life."

The interview Metin Arolat gave 16 days ago is trending! He recounted the moments he escaped death


Metin Arolat, who is going through a difficult time after losing his brother and mother in succession, also shared that he is receiving treatment to cope with his pains. Metin Arolat and Armağan Çağlayan, whose friendship dates back years, had also made plans to go on vacation to Egypt in October.

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