After attending the 10th St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum, Putin made statements to the state television channel "Rossiya-1". When asked about the issue of allowing Ukraine to attack Russian territories with long-range weapons, which has been brought up in the US and UK, Putin said that the concepts regarding this issue have been changed. "A DIFFERENT SITUATION ARISES IF LONG-RANGE WEAPONS ARE USED"Putin stated, "It is not about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev government from attacking Russian territories. Ukraine is already doing this with unmanned aerial vehicles and other vehicles. However, a different situation arises if high-precision long-range weapons are used." Putin pointed out that the Ukrainian army does not have the capacity to launch attacks with Western-produced modern high-precision long-range systems, saying, "This can only be possible through the use of intelligence information obtained from satellites that Ukraine does not possess. These satellite data can belong to either the European Union (EU), the US, or NATO in general. Another important and key factor is that these missile systems can only be operated by military personnel from NATO countries. Ukrainian soldiers cannot do this." "WE WILL MAKE NECESSARY DECISIONS BASED ON THE THREATS THAT WILL BE CREATED"Putin emphasized that it is not a matter of allowing or not allowing the Ukrainian government to launch attacks on Russian territories, stating, "This is related to the decision of whether NATO countries will directly engage in the conflict. Making this decision would mean that NATO countries, the US, and European countries are involved in the war in Ukraine. This would significantly change the essence and nature of the conflict. It would mean that NATO countries, the US, and European countries are at war with Russia. If this happens, we will make necessary decisions based on the threats that will be created."