In a tragic incident in the Bangka region of Indonesia, 5-year-old Caca lost her life in a crocodile attack in front of her family. The incident occurred in the village of Bukit Layang on Saturday morning around 09:00. Little Caca, who entered the lake to bathe with her parents, was suddenly attacked by a saltwater crocodile that appeared out of nowhere. Despite all the intervention efforts of her parents, the crocodile dragged the child away into the waters. The head of the regional search and rescue agency, I Made Oka Astawa, stated, "Local police, villagers, and our rescue teams captured the crocodile after a day-long search. The lifeless body of the little girl was found the next morning." Experts point out that crocodile attacks in the region have increased in recent years. Since 2014, at least 478 people have lost their lives, while 531 have been injured. The transformation of pits left by tin mining into habitats for crocodiles, filled with rainwater, increases the risk of similar incidents occurring. Authorities are warning the public to stay away from ponds formed after mining activities. It is reported that crocodiles in the region can reach lengths of 22 feet and weigh up to 1,000 kilograms.