In a tragic incident in Brazil, the daughter-in-law of a woman who baked a poisonous Christmas cake that caused the deaths of three relatives has been arrested on suspicion of murder. The cake, baked by 61-year-old Zeli Dos Anjos in the town of Torres near Porto Alegre, led to the deaths of her two sisters and her niece, while she herself is fighting for her life. The incident occurred during a Christmas celebration at Zeli's home on December 23. After consuming the poisonous cake, Maida Bernice Flores da Silva (58), Neuza Denize Silva Dos Anjos (65), and her daughter Tatiana Silvia Dos Santos (43) died within hours. Investigations revealed that arsenic poison was found in the victims' bodies. Zeli's son Diego Dos Anjos's wife, Deise Moura, has been arrested in connection with the incident. Tatiana's 10-year-old son Matheus was also taken to intensive care after eating the cake. Police chief Marcus Vinicius Veloso stated, "The suspect has been arrested on charges of three murders and three attempted murders." Another notable point in the incident is that Zeli's husband, Paulo Luis, died a few months ago from "food poisoning." The police will exhume Paulo's body from the grave next week as part of the investigation. Paulo and Zeli fell ill after eating bananas they had grown in their garden, and Paulo died within hours. Family members experienced severe vomiting after complaining that the cake had a "bitter and spicy" taste and were taken to the hospital by ambulances. Retired teacher Maida died on Christmas Eve, while Neuza and her daughter Tatiana passed away within hours. A family representative said, "The whole family is in shock. We don't know what to say. We never thought someone so close to us could do such a thing." As the investigation continues, the police are awaiting laboratory results.