27-year-old Sofia Alessia, who lives in England, faced a life-threatening situation after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight. The young woman, who wanted to get rid of the weight she gained after pregnancy, fought for her life in the hospital for three months following the surgery performed at a private clinic. After the surgery performed on January 31, 2022, Alessia experienced serious complications, began to vomit "pieces of meat" continuously, and was unable to consume any food. Just three hours after being discharged, her condition worsened, and she was urgently taken to Blackburn Hospital. There, the young mother was diagnosed with pneumonia and blood clots in her lungs, and she underwent intensive treatment for three weeks. The private clinic, which admitted that too much of the stomach was removed in the first surgery, suggested gastric bypass as a solution. However, this second surgery worsened the situation further, and Alessia developed sepsis. The young woman's life was saved at the last moment when doctors removed the staples from her intestines after she was transferred to Worcestershire Royal Hospital, part of the National Health Service. Currently recovering at home with her four-year-old daughter Alya-Valentina, Alessia shared her experience, saying, "Every day was a nightmare. In the end, I reached the weight I wanted, but I wish I hadn't had to suffer so much."