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Accusation to Former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: He wants to destroy Israel.

Accusation to Former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: He wants to destroy Israel.

27.06.2024 20:21

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert claimed that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants Israel to be destroyed, alleging that he aims to expand the war and fuel conflicts. Olmert also stated, "It is time to remove Netanyahu from power."

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to "destroy Israel" instead of ending the conflicts.


Olmert wrote an article titled "I accuse Netanyahu of betrayal" in Haaretz newspaper. Olmert used the expression "It is time to remove him" and stated that the Prime Minister does not want the "war" to end and the captives to return home safely. Olmert also mentioned that "Netanyahu wants an endless war while weakening Israel's relations with its neighbors and the US."


Olmert stated that Netanyahu refused to make a deal for a prisoner exchange with Hamas, arguing that it would prevent him from achieving a "decisive victory" against Hamas, and deliberately abandoned the Israeli prisoners held in Gaza. Olmert evaluated the situation as "A decisive victory is not an option right now, and it has never been an option since the day the Prime Minister first presented it."


In addition, Olmert stated that instead of accepting an agreement that would put an end to the ongoing intense conflict with Lebanon through the mediation of France and the US and allow tens of thousands of displaced residents of northern Israel to return home, Netanyahu intends to "expand the war and initiate a direct, comprehensive military conflict with Hezbollah in the north."

Olmert also noted that Netanyahu has been conducting a systematic campaign against the army, security forces, and political leadership through his deputies, family members, and various media organizations.

Olmert accused Netanyahu of deliberately endangering the lives of Israeli soldiers and claimed that the government prioritizes the "personal interests" of certain population groups and ministers known to support the parties they represent and the government.


Olmert accused the Israeli Prime Minister of deliberately trying to undermine the political-security-military alliance between Israel and the US. Emphasizing the importance of relations with the US, Olmert continued: "All of Israel's air power relies on the American commitment to defend Israel. We have no other reliable source for essential equipment, ammunition, and advanced weapons that Israel cannot produce on its own. In recent months, hundreds of American transport planes have landed at Israeli military bases, carrying thousands of tons of advanced, vital military equipment and ammunition."


Olmert stated that Netanyahu's accusations against the US administration, claiming that they delayed the delivery of military equipment and thus delayed Israel's decisive victory, are "irresponsible provocation" and a calculated attempt to sabotage "(US President Joe) Biden's election campaign." Olmert stated that "Netanyahu should be tried in the court of the Israeli people for each of these accusations. This should not be delayed. Every day that this cursed man continues to be responsible for the country's administration poses a concrete danger to the country's future and existence."

Olmert also accused Netanyahu of deliberately sabotaging normalization steps with Arab countries, preventing the establishment of a new regional axis based on partnership between "moderate Arab states such as Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia, and possibly other Muslim countries beyond the Middle East."

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