Interesting moments occurred in the cooking show Yemekteyiz, hosted by Zuhal Topal. The atmosphere got chaotic when a contestant named Gülay suddenly screamed. An enraged Topal reacted to the contestant. As in every week, an interesting incident was broadcast this week as well. Contestant Gülay, whose dishes and table were criticized, could no longer bear it and screamed in the kitchen. ZUHAL TOPAL'S HARSH REACTION TO THE CONTESTANTHearing the screams coming from the kitchen, Zuhal Topal and the contestants became worried. After Gülay Hanım stated that she was fine and was just upset by the criticisms, Zuhal Topal became furious. Topal expressed her reaction with the following words: "What kind of scream is this? This is unacceptable. You are on a television program. You are grown adults. You have children. Let's be mindful of our actions and reactions. This is too much. You have taken our minds. There is no need for this much. What an exaggerated reaction!"