In northwestern Syria, especially in the Idlib region, car markets are quite lively. The relaxation of travel within the country is attracting citizens to the Idlib market, where they can access newer model vehicles. A large portion of the vehicles in the market consists of high-mileage cars imported from Asian and European countries. These vehicles are brought to Syria through Turkish ports. "EUROPEAN CARS" CONCEPTUsed cars imported through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing and arriving from Turkish ports are referred to as "European cars" in Syria. However, this designation is misleading; most of these vehicles are not produced in Europe. Cars that belong to brands like Hyundai and Kia, with an average age of over 10 years and generally having traveled more than 200,000 kilometers, fall into this category. REASONS FOR PRICE INCREASESMustafa Hayed, the owner of the Al-Hayed car import office, states that these vehicles are brought into the country through Greece and Basra. The price of a 2010 model Kia Rio in the Idlib market was around 3,000 dollars before the fall of Assad, but it has now reached 15,000 dollars. Similarly, the price of a 2010 Hyundai Vera Cruz has risen from approximately 3,000 dollars to 15,000 dollars. HIGH DEMAND FOR KOREAN CARSKorean-made cars are in high demand in the market due to their ease of maintenance and availability of spare parts. For example: The price of a 2012 model Kia Cerato, which used to sell for 4,500 dollars, is now 9,000 dollars. The price of a 2012 model Hyundai Accent has increased from 5,000 dollars to 12,000 dollars. GERMAN CARS FINDING A PLACE IN THE MARKETGerman cars that have recently entered the Idlib market are also attracting attention. A 2010 model Mercedes E200 is currently being offered for sale at prices ranging from 13,000 to 15,000 dollars. THE FUTURE OF THE MARKETDespite economic instability in Syria, there is a noticeable revival in the car market. The demand for imported vehicles, in particular, is driving up prices and continues to be the lifeblood of car trade.