AK Party Spokesperson Ömer Çelik responded to the statement of the Leader of the Welfare Party, Fatih Erbakan, saying, "It is not appropriate in terms of both political and moral behavior to hinder the activities of our mayors and try to transfer them to the AK Party by political blackmail, ignoring the will of our people on March 31." Çelik stated, "The Welfare Party has acted with the aim of causing the AK Party to lose and the CHP to win in many places in local elections. Those who talk about political ethics and blackmail should first consider these concepts themselves." ERBAKAN ACCUSES AK PARTY OF "POLITICAL BLACKMAIL"Resignations started to come after AK Party Deputy Chairman Hamza Dağ announced that 15 mayors and 2 deputies would join the AK Party. Emrullah Akpunar, who was elected as the mayor of the central Aziziye district of Erzurum with 44.46% of the votes in the local elections on March 31, announced his resignation from the Welfare Party. After the decision, the leader of the Welfare Party, Fatih Erbakan, said, "They are trying to hinder the activities of our mayors and transfer them to the AK Party by political blackmail." AK PARTY SPOKESPERSON ÇELIK: THEY ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT MAYORSErbakan's response was not delayed. AK Party Spokesperson Ömer Çelik stated in a tweet: "The Welfare Party is trying to discredit the mayors who have shown the will to join the AK Party's work and service policy with their free will." "WELFARE PARTY OFFERED FORMER AK PARTY MEMBERS IN LOCAL ELECTIONS"The Welfare Party did not pursue an independent policy in local elections and acted with the aim of causing the AK Party to lose and the CHP to win. It is a situation that they need to confront in terms of political principles to offer positions to individuals who have previously been involved in politics in the AK Party for this purpose. "THEY SHOULD FIRST CONSIDER THESE CONCEPTS"Those who talk about political ethics and blackmail should first consider these concepts themselves. "I ESPECIALLY WANT IT TO BE KNOWN THAT..."Meanwhile, Akpunar, who announced his resignation on his social media account, said the following: "Dear fellow citizens; I would like to share with you the information that I have resigned from the Welfare Party to which I belong, as I see fit. There is one thing in particular that I want to be known, and that is that our motto is to serve our fellow citizens wherever we are and in whatever field we run. May God make it a means of good, inshaAllah."