In the Yalı Çapkını series aired on Star TV, Buçe Buse Kahraman, who made a name for herself with her role as Pelin, left the cast at the end of the second season. The actress's new destination for the upcoming season has also been announced. ALTUNAY HATUN IS COMINGAccording to the news of Gazete Birsen Altuntaş, Kahraman, who competed at the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival with the Acı Kahve film in which she played one of the leading roles, will play Altunay Hatun in the Kuruluş Osman series. The successful actress will appear in the series as the skillful horse rider and sword-wielding woman of the Keçili Şah Beylik. Before starting the shooting, Buçe Buse Kahraman will go to Paris to represent Turkish women at the 30th anniversary celebrations of a world-famous cosmetic brand.