Former Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has called on Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş to take action for imprisoned TİP Hatay MP Can Atalay. Former Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has called on Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş to take action for imprisoned TİP Hatay MP Can Atalay. Arınç emphasized that the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights must be implemented by the institutions, stating that there are no obstacles for Atalay to become a member of parliament again. In a statement on his X account, Arınç used the following expressions: "The provisions of the constitution are very clear and this constitution is in force to be implemented today. It is written almost in every relevant article that the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights regarding the constitution must be implemented. Our President has been in office for 10 years. He has been elected according to this constitution since 2014, he has taken an oath according to this constitution, and he appoints members of the Higher Education Council and the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors, the Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation, and the members of the Constitutional Court. He exercises all the rights and powers granted to him by the constitution. "THERE ARE NO OBSTACLES FOR ATALAY TO BECOME A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT AGAIN"Until a few years ago, we considered it our duty to comply with the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights from Article 90 to Articles 148 to 153. Now the decisions of the Constitutional Court are clear; it seems that they have made a decision of 10 to 4, and those 4 members have no substantive objections, but procedural objections. In this situation, there are no obstacles for Can Atalay to become a member of parliament again. This must be implemented. Because according to this constitution, these decisions must be implemented. My thoughts on Enis Berberoğlu and Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu issues in the past continue today as well. That's why I want to address our Parliament Speaker. Dear Numan Kurtulmuş, our esteemed parliament speaker; I have known, admired, and appreciated you since the past. We have done politics together. You have also served as the leader of two political parties. I have always admired you for your family, your academic knowledge, your title, being an exemplary family, and representing our parliament in an honorable manner until now. Today, you are facing an important decision. It is my duty to warn you in a friendly manner and ensure that Mr. Can Atalay is invited to the parliament and takes an oath. This person has been elected, received his mandate. He came to the parliament, was elected to the parliamentary committees, but he could not take an oath. He cannot currently perform his legislative duties. There is no valid reason to resist against the decisions of the Constitutional Court to this extent." "THE BEST CONSTITUTION IS THE ONE THAT IS IMPLEMENTED"Recalling the words of Professor Ali Fuat Başgil, Arınç concluded his statement with the following sentences: "You will remember that in 2013, during my tenure as Deputy Prime Minister, when HDP MP Kemal Aktaş faced a final conviction of 1 year and 8 months, his sentence would be read in the parliament and his parliamentary membership would end. He had received this sentence due to a speech he made on the occasion of Nevruz, according to Article 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Law. There was no element of crime in the speech according to the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. Therefore, based on the views and instructions of our Prime Minister, we changed the relevant article of this law to be in line with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, as follows: "A person who propagates the methods of violence, coercion, or threat of the terrorist organization, or praises or encourages the use of these methods..." We requested that the reading of Kemal Aktaş's decision in the Turkish Grand National Assembly be delayed for 4-5 months, with the permission of Mr. Cemil Çiçek. With the correct decision of our Prime Minister, this article was changed and has remained in effect since then. While we opposed the dismissal of a parliamentary membership in the past in this way, I believe that the routine dismissal of parliamentary memberships today damages the political institution, tarnishes the politician, and inflicts a great wound on this institution. Mr. Parliament Speaker, please resolve this issue without further delay with your own will, legal thinking, and political experience. Let's not delegate this honorable task to someone else. Let us not forget the words of Or. Prof. Ali Fuat Başgil, whom I know you also value greatly: "The best constitution is the one that is implemented, and the worst constitution is the one that is not implemented."