In the New Year's Special program of O Ses Türkiye, produced and hosted by Acun Ilıcalı, this year the jury seats were occupied by Gökhan Özoğuz, Beyazıt Öztürk, Hadise, and Ezgi Mola. During the night, which featured famous names competing, Acun Ilıcalı made a surprise announcement. Ilıcalı said, "This year we have some small surprises in O Ses Türkiye. We invited one of the legendary artists, and he didn't turn us down. He will perform his beautiful songs that have become anthems for us." and invited Burak Kut to the stage. BURAK KUT'S STAGE PERFORMANCE LEFT EVERYONE IN AWEThe 52-year-old singer Burak Kut made a significant impact on the night with his performance of the song Yaşandı Bitti, released in 1995. Kut's stage performance and dance moves were widely discussed on social media as well. His live rendition of the song and stage show led to comments like "He pulls out the current ones from his pocket." A SONG THAT SHOOK AN ERAYaşandı Bitti is the second song from singer Kut's 1995 album Nereden Geldim Nerelere Gideceğim. The music video for this song, which made a significant impact at the time, was filmed in New York City, USA.