The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, İbrahim Yumaklı, announced that there will be a requirement to install cameras in all areas where operations are carried out to monitor live animals, carcasses, by-products, and personnel movements in slaughterhouses. He stated that the camera systems must have features that can capture wide-angle images, are high-resolution, and can record for at least one month. APPROVAL CERTIFICATE REQUIRED FOR SLAUGHTERHOUSESYumaklı emphasized that the general and specific hygiene requirements for slaughterhouses are determined by the Ministry and that they are not allowed to operate without an approval certificate. He expressed that approval certificates are granted to slaughterhouses that meet the technical and hygienic conditions after the necessary official inspections. OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN WILL BE ASSIGNEDYumaklı stated that pre- and post-slaughter examinations, as well as other official controls, are carried out by official veterinarians assigned by the Ministry on the days and times of slaughter. He said that activities must comply with animal health, welfare, and hygiene rules. NEW REGULATION ON THE WAYMinister Yumaklı announced that the "Regulation on Special Hygiene Rules for Animal Foods" has been updated to make video monitoring systems mandatory and will be published shortly. It was stated that with this regulation, the pre- and post-slaughter processes can be continuously monitored by both food operators and Ministry units. FOOD SAFETY AND ANIMAL WELFARE WILL BE ENSUREDYumaklı said that with the implementation of the new regulation, slaughtering outside the declared days and times will be prevented, and the slaughter of unidentified animals without ear tags will be prohibited. He also emphasized that behaviors suitable for animal welfare will be ensured and that the operation in accordance with hygiene rules will be continuously monitored. He stated that efforts prioritizing food safety and animal welfare will continue.