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Suspicion of sexual abuse on a 2-year-old baby! Mother arrested.

Suspicion of sexual abuse on a 2-year-old baby! Mother arrested.

10.09.2024 19:11

In the district of Malkara in Tekirdağ, it was determined that 2-year-old baby Sıla, who was taken to the hospital by her family, had a brain hemorrhage and bruises on her body. When doctors saw signs of abuse and bruises, they reported the situation to the police. While Sıla's mother, Bakiye Yeniçeri, was arrested, the Tekirdağ Governorship announced that the number of detentions related to the suspicion of 'sexual abuse' in the incident has increased to 4.

While all of Turkey was mourning with the sad news of Narin, another heartbreaking news came from Tekirdağ. It was determined that 2-year-old Sıla, who was taken to the hospital by her family, had a brain hemorrhage and bruises on her body. Little Sıla was taken into surgery, and her mother B.Y., who claimed that her daughter fell from the TV unit, and one other person were detained on suspicion of abuse. It was reported that 2-year-old Sıla's life was still in danger.


Mother B.Y., who lives in Malkara, took her daughter Sıla Y. to Malkara State Hospital on August 2nd. Sıla Y., who had bruises on her body, was said by her mother B.Y. to have been dropped and injured by their neighbor. After the examination, Sıla Y. was handed over to her family and sent home. The family took Sıla Y. to Malkara State Hospital again last Sunday evening. When doctors examined Sıla Y., who was in a state of unconsciousness, and saw signs of abuse and bruises, they reported the situation to the police. Sıla Y., whose condition was critical, was transferred to Tekirdağ İsmail Fehmi Cumalıoğlu City Hospital.


It was determined that Sıla Y., who was examined, had a brain hemorrhage, and there were findings indicating physical violence on her body. She was immediately taken into emergency surgery. After the surgery, which lasted about 2 hours, Sıla Y. was transferred to the intensive care unit, and it was learned that her life was still in danger. The hospital also sent the DNA samples they obtained from Sıla Y. to Tekirdağ Forensic Medicine Institute for examination.


While the police launched an investigation into the incident, Tekirdağ Directorate of Family and Social Services also consulted with the family and neighbors. Mother B.Y. claimed that her daughter was dropped and injured by their neighbors from whom they left her. After the investigation, the other 5-year-old daughter of the family was taken under protection. The Directorate also filed a criminal complaint against the mother and stepfather.


Tekirdağ Chief Public Prosecutor's Office initiated an investigation into the incident and issued a confidentiality order. Tekirdağ Police Department also detained mother B.Y. and one other person as part of the investigation. After the procedures at the police station, mother B.Y. was dressed in a police uniform and taken to the courthouse.

Chilling suspicion! Sıla baby's mother and stepfather detained
Chilling suspicion! Sıla baby's mother and stepfather detained

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