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China Supports Argentina Becoming BRICS Member: Chinese Foreign Minister

07.07.2022 20:57

Wang Yi meets Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero in Indonesia.

Argentina has gained official support from China's foreign minister to become a member of the BRICS bloc of emerging economies -.

Amid the G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting Thursday, Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero met his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi in Bali, Indonesia, who formally confirmed China's backing for Argentina's membership in the group made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

"Wang Yi formally confirmed his country's support for Argentina's membership of the BRICS group, in line with what was agreed between the group's leaders," Argentina's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It said both ministers held a work meeting to discuss the most important aspects of their bilateral agenda to deepen the "comprehensive Strategic Association that unites both countries" and added that if Argentina became a member, it would seek to "strengthen and broaden its voice in defense of the interests of the developing world."

Both ministers agreed that there is "great potential for development in financial and investment matters. Cafiero underscored the importance of promoting a more balanced and diversified bilateral trade, and stressed the need to speed up market opening processes," it said.

Cafiero confirmed China's support on Twitter. "The Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, confirmed Argentina's membership backing into BRICS" and underscored Argentina's wish to deepen multilateralism and to bolster the nation's foreign policy to "reach agreements that benefit the country and the region," he wrote.

Yi also emphasized the participation of President Alberto Fernandez at the BRICS summit June 24, following an invitation by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Cafiero told Argentine media outlet, Telam, that as China chairs BRCIS this year "the support and commitment to nominate our country to join is fundamental"

China and Argentina paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both nations in February.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced last week that Argentina was on track to become a BRICS member alongside Iran.

BRICS was founded in 2009 and held its inaugural summit in Yekaterinburg, Russia. South Africa became a member in 2010.

Currently, BRICS accounts for more than 40% of the world's population and 26% of the global economy. -

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